Enterococci Study on 7 CT Harbors during the Summer Months of 2023
Sixty-on enterococci bacteria tests were conducted by ENB during the summer months of 2023 to assess harbor health. The physical data collected at multiple locations in each harbor included dissolved oxygen, water temperature, salinity, and enterococci bacteria levels. The report compiled includes the daily summary of Enterococci levels found in each waterway. Harbors surveyed include Stamford, Rowayton, Norwalk, Saugatuck, Lewis Gut, and the Housatonic and Quinnipiac rivers.
Summary of report: Water quality has improved at all locations with few exceptions over previous years due to the combined efforts of various environmental groups and dedicated work by public works departments in managing shoreline sources of pollution. Several municipalities now have camera trucks which have helped greatly in locating leaks. The combined efforts of ENB and Harbor Watch monitors the rivers which support these estuaries and continues to locate sources of pollution ranging from illegal hookups with storm drains to compromised sewer mains and septic systems. Valuable partnerships with various public works departments have expedited repairs to sources of pollution input.
ENB also operates a fleet of 4 pumpout boats servicing pleasure boats from Bridgeport, CT to the Bronx, NY along the north shore of the western Long Island Sound. The Pumpout Program is partially funded by Clean Vessel Act grants and they are serviced and maintained by ENB which is responsible for finding and training captain and crew members. Dock space and pump maintenance and repair for the fleet is provided by Norm Bloom’s (Copps Island Oysters) headquarters at Edgewater Place in Norwalk. During the summer months of 2023 this small fleet completed over 2,500 service calls from recreational boaters moored and docked at marinas and removed over 40,000 gallons of waste which was subsequently routed to the local wastewater treatment plants. The service is free to boaters and is a great asset in reducing pollution to our harbors and the Long Island Sound.